Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Larry's - page rank index might help you........


ANSWER : cracked by johny walker, deepu and vibhu( for details check vibhu's comment and the bust which no one could connect is of neem karoli baba, guru to many americans during that 60's & 70's time and Brilliant was one of his disciples) 


Johny Walker said...

larry brilliant

Deeptanshu said...

larry brilliant,Executive Director of Google.org....founder and director of The Seva Foundation.......acted as an extra in Hare Rama Hare Krishna

vib.h.u said...

Google, whose "Chief Philanthropy Evangelist" Larry Brilliant started the Seva Foundation in 1978, whose first of large donations of $5000 came from Steve Jobs, who was a Hare Krishna Cult member for a while - mainly for the free meals and psychedelia much like in HKHR movie (he also visited India, but that was more of a slant to Buddhism).

[Can't relate the statue]