Q) The person in he pic 1 (A) wrote the book X based on which the person in the pic 5 (E) made the movie of same name X, (E) also directed the classic movie Y based on the life of F (pic 6).
The author A (pic 1) was a cult figure and was quite popular among beatniks and hippies, infact he along with his group Z went several cross-country trips in his bus B (pic 2). B was painted in what can be described as a Dayglo fashion, according to the group Z these were the trips they took for self-realisation where they experimented with LSD and other psychedelic drugs**. The account of their trips has been vivdly given in a book (C) whose cover is shown in pic (3) and C was written by J,which made him quite a literary star.
The reel-version of (C) is expected to be release this year which will be directed by K. This acclaimed director K who has been long associated with beat-generation authors also made the oscar-winning movie based on the life of D(pic 4). D was assassinated in late 70's.
G(pic 7) is the indian director who made the movie L which was the remake of X, L failed at the box -office but G has delivered several hits and is known for different genres of movies.
Identify A,B,C,D,E,F,G,J,K,L,X,Y,Z. (sorry no indirect hints i can give)
* would advice you to sit with pen and paper to figure out
** any one willing, i volunteer for this experiment
*** team members & other blog authors if possible from now on use www.rot13.com to answer, so that if someone else wants to leave the comment your answers doesnt flash in front of them, which of course spoil the joy of cracking the question(even if wrongly done). ;)
1 comment:
A-Ken Kesey
X-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
E-Miloš Forman
F-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Z-Merry Pranksters
C-The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
J-Tom Wolf
K-Gus Van Sant
D-Harvey Milk [film MILK]
This is a very short question..Great work...
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